54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i also put it in death game im p sure

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I wanna play btu no gaem


“You never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.”

~ Alan Watts

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Yes I do.
I just watched Yes man.

my extra chromosome senses are tingling

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Oh what the hell

who are you.


It’s you blazer.

It isnt

Thats not an Alt
thats somebody else XD

Maybe your his Alt.

Someone from flow

The butter fly effect is amazing.

If the family tree of the bunny that ran in front of nova, if anyone didn’t exist in that tree the bunny wouldn’t existed. Which wouldn’t have led eric away from his owner to meet his girl of his dreams and it wouldn’t have led Eric to be hit by a truck and to find out he had a Brain Tumor before it’s too late.

There’s a lot more things that if it didn’t happen, Eric would have never found out he had a brain tumor until it was too late.



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call me by my real name, koolkid777

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Grey nickname means someone is banned, right? :smile: The red banner isn’t showing up.




Grey means banned/new account.



wait a sec how do you even get this badge wtf lol

