54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The punishment for suicide should be death.


I mean, the criminal probably wouldn’t care then. Depends on their motives tbh

So priestess, my point is.

Why do you modkill rule breakers thinking they will stop if their team is punished?

I don’t want to, and if there are other ways, I probably won’t. But I might, if needed.


See priestess

Your argument in the other thread is for YOU to not break rules and nothing happens. Just don’t break rules.

But if it was that simple, crimes wouldn’t be committed.

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In the case of real life, punishments work a lot better because they actually negatively effect the rule breaker. Modkilling someone in the game isn’t the same as them being jailed for 20 years.

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and if real punishments like that don’t stop all crimes

this won’t either

I always get the weirdest metaphors sometimes lmao

There are ideal rules… and then there is the real world. And then there are the people who have to try to bring both together, to get the best result possible.
In this case, that the fun of the other players won’t be reduced even more
But also trying that it won’t happen again in future.

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Exactly. This is why hosts replace game throwers ect because it makes it so other players have more fun then they would had a slot been modkilled

I agree.
But other way around…
if it is needed to modkill someone
there’s no way to blame the host for it. He wasn’t the one who broke the rule.


That’s acceptable. I modkilled someone in Luigi mansion because they broke a rule and then they thought they were going to be modkilled so they got spewed town from that reaction

Okay okay okay

I have got a funny story for you all that is going down right now.

This morning around 12 hours ago, I was like:

“Alright, I’m just going to scroll through the ToL Discord and message someone who was in it in 2017!”

You know, as you do.

So 5 minutes ago. I find out one of them (Who is on Kai’s friendslist) has accepted it.

And I’m like: “Great! Let’s go message them-”

First messages, they are going great

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Then the most fucking unexpected thing happens.

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I just messaged someone who has watched my videos!


that made me smile. I knew I recognised their name from somewhere after them telling me they’ve watched some of my videos.

And now I feel awkward!

who is it

Check your mutual friends with me and you’ll find out pretty easily.