54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I didn’t want to fuck up the towel.

I think I fixed it.

It’s 30cm²

I have large lips


Then why are you removing it

Because I’m sleeping soon and I don’t want lipstick in my bed.

This conversation is sooo odd.

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You can always remove it using skin

I already took care of it.

I mean I don’t wear makeup so I am just educatedly guessing

Damn I wanted to make a joke on kissing

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I also had glitter and that was even worse to get off.

i wish i could go to pride :frowning:


Glitter is literally devilish. If you want to fuck up somebody’s place, just unleash a box of glitter.

Take a bath.
A bath of glitter.

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It’s like funnnn, but not like funnnnnnnnn if you catch my drift.


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i mainly want to go to one for the experience. :woman_shrugging:

What’s stopping you?

parents are uh, not the uh most friendly to lgbts

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