54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

interesting fact #2 is that they put “it’s impossible to lick your elbow” twice on here


19 and 27

@discobot fortune

will i go to sleep within the next hour

:crystal_ball: My reply is no


MAXI!!! Welcome back my dude

heya, thx

hopefully my vpn stays good so i can continue being here while in china lol

@discobot fortune
will i find something to cure my boredom within the next hour

Hows China? I have always wanted to go

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

The answer is yes a cookie

pretty hot, occasionally get bit by mosquitos but i sacrifice my little sister so she gets bitten more :^)

mostly visiting for family and not sightseeing bc i’ve already sightsaw (is that even a word??) a lot since ive been to china multiple times before

my cousin (i think, it’s been a while since i saw him) is getting married tho so that’s cool

i’m gonna be able to attend his wedding later this month; it’s just in a week or two i think (probs less than 10 days)

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hoping to find more things to do instead of going out to eat/shop/exercise and staying in apartments to finish work my mother assigned me… gets boring and old quickly, especially since i pretty much did this last year as well

it is

They got any night clubs (if ur old enough) or like cool spots for night life

the air here is pretty fucking polluted tho with a ton of smokers and it hurts after being in washington where there’s always like at least 10 trees in viewing distance

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no nightclubs near the apartment, not like i could join if i wants bc im only 17 rn and that i have no chinese id (not sure if an american id would work in china?)

not really any cool spots either

just a ton of traffic and buildings and restaurants

yeah i could go walking or running but i’ve been pretty much everywher within a mile of the apartment (a bit of an exaggeration but you get the gist)

my speaking skills can’t handle some of the more complex words as well and my reading skills are sub par


@discobot fortune

are you bored?

:crystal_ball: Ask again later