54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It says what to do on the list.

Be not Board again.

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Who is this “Board” fellow you speak of? He seems to have no depth to him

The one behind you

Exactly. That’s why you want to not be him.

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Boredom is like history. No one really knows what is really the right answer we just pretend to know by people telling us how to not be bored.

Except I know the right answer to history too.

So did the Trojan war actually happen with a gigantic horse

I don’t believe it

No it was a Pegasus

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That makes complete sense oh my god

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Nuke do you know Roman history

No. Rome is a myth.

Reality is a myth. We are in a virtual simulation

No the Trojan Pegasus thing actually happened

In the simulation

No. Rome is in the simulation. The Trojan Pegasus happened outside of it

Wouldn’t be surprised

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I thought xblade said these posts were banned and that 17777 would be the last?

nah this thread will never die, he prob was talking about a post that was banned, it was confusing but i think he deleted something

yeah probably, or everyone whos ever commented here will be banned, 50 50