54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

if he does then he just lost a mod

Xblade has commented here

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I think in context this is about advertising-y posts within this (or other) threads? But I could be wrong, and risking my very account just by writing this reply :upside_down_face:

Again he wouldnt ban a community guide especially with how vague that post was. If he really wanted to shut cookie thread down we would know about or the mods would know about it. Cookie thread is not harmful in any way. I think there was a hidden post that was deleted because the post before was just talking about computer addiction. I think either a bot or some account posted either something explicit or advertising for another game/website and prob got the quick hammer. Dont worry and if u do get banned blame me for saying its safe.


wait so was it one of ur posts? Im confused

This is literally just a talking thread for us.

read the orego post

I’m confused, and I think I like that staying so.

You are so done! Reeeeee

arete is cancelled oop

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I left and the cookie disappeared…


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The earth is mafia

Mother Earth is Gaea.
Get your facts right!

No u

Get rekted m8

Mafia are the cyclops.
Who got thrown thrown in Primordial hell.

Gaea shape is a hexagon

Shouldn’t the mafia be titans

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The mafia didn’t win then lose though