54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Tell us the resulting deconstruction when it is ready as a Marxist anarchocommunist I’m curious

My problem with the essence theory is the fact the kingsoul is split, alongside it’s description being that it represents the union between two higher beings

it was a dream, I didn’t actually finish it because I got distracted by the pretty lights

I have yet to see how you gain the queen half since I stopped the game just before defeating the HK for the first time
I got angered and cheated to finish the game.

I wish to seek a rp group for Mage the Awakening but I already have too much rpg

Do you want spoilers?

I am already angery at the spin-off rp one group had but not too angery since it is just a spin-off

Yes I already spoiled myself to hell.

I’m planning on hosting campaign here soon™ :^)

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You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn’t grow.

You didn’t improve.

You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.

Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It’s sad that you don’t know the difference between cheaters and real gamers.


The plan was to create that evil Menzoberranzan drow party and I was the only one to create an evil Lolthite drow.
Most of the group is neutral and/or anti-Lolthite. I feel fooled ayy.

Gamers rise up

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Where is that quote from
I defeated bosses much harder than THK so I’m very fine with my endgame cheating ayy

bottom text

top text

The neutral part really bites my legs since one guy created a Mary Sue basically good character under a Neutral sign

it’s an unnececary dramatic response to some random game journalist cheating on the final boss of Sekiro

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And since most people (with the party being majorly male) are too proud or something not to play a male the revolution ideals are too attractive for their characters

Which means my priestess noble is having her head cut quite soon because she barely holds her house working anymore and it is going to be attacked by the Baenre pretty soon.
I hate it because it is hero morality and it was supposed to be a game about evil people doing evil, so I have to be really much more evil than I wanted my character to be so it can still be an evil party.

@Geyde poorly optimized orc cleric will come to your game

What kind of Cleric?