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Essay section is imo BS, its all dependent on the person gradings you day

The time limit was definitely the hardest part of the ACT, the SAT has slightly harder questions with less time pressure but, like, it’s still a standardized test and standardized tests are easy :upside_down_face:

I can learn Latin vocabulary for each chapter in 30 minutes and I’m fine

It’s not really vocab-heavy any more, at least not in the same way.

Essay section is about being purely objective, which runs counter to how most essays are written

I heard it was opintal

Well are u good at math and reading comprehension, if so u should be Gucci

idk things could have changed, I havent taken a SAT in like 5 years

Mostly for reading section when understanding descriptions
Also writing

I can get A’s in math without studying a tiny bit

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I looked up some of the official example essays at some point and the examples of a good essay were things like ‘Essay writer persuades target audience by using logical arguments’

wow gosh fantastic rhetorical analysis right there :eyes:


I’m pretty good with memorizing things

so as long as u can read fast and comprehend a story, and then idk if they still make u write anymore, but in mine u had to write about it, your fine

Oh wow logical arguments now I realize why everyone does awful

no like
the essay’s thesis was approximately ‘ESSAY WRITER WHOSE ESSAY I JUST READ persuades AUDIENCE by using LOGICAL ARGUMENTS’

just be super political 50% of the time you’ll do well on the essay, jk dont listen to me

I’m going to get a perfect score to spite everyone in my classroom

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Idc how much studying I have to do

I hope u do, I think I got a 2100/2400 iirc, but I think they changed up the scoring now

Pretty sure it’s 1600 now? Not sure