54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

If you want to teach newbies… let them teach each other. Don’t try to teach them your strats and your metas, they will find their own way.
But if they have questions, you can answer them of course :slight_smile:

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Posts like this is why governments are revolted against.


I’m not elected :woman_shrugging:

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Even if you aren’t elected, the people that you govern give you the power, not the position you are in. Without people you have no power.

So say an entire community revolted against their mods, there’s no community left to govern if you ban them all. That’s why the people still hold the power

Lol no, sorry. This is not a government. This is a company.

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and without customers the company doesn’t profit

still the same concept

the consumers give the company money lmao

Oh you mean the people here who are actually playing ToL? :wink:

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That’s what companies say when they ignore people who don’t buy their products and demand them to change something for them to buy it

that’s until something breaks out and more people boycott it

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I mean, the ToL players are the customers …?

Like let’s say you banned the entire community for revolting

Do you know how bad that would look to other people

Exactly, but where do the customers get their information to buy a product

You mean from Steam and from the Discord?

The internet to put it more broadly. The internet also can’t get censored off like you can censor off steam reviews (I think don’t quote me on this) and the tol discord.

Do you know people in tos hate us for supposedly banning someone for bad reasons

do you know how much fire it will catch for you to ban an entire community

Of course there’s no real reason to riot since we technically were in the wrong


Then it would look bad if we are all banned

You are cute

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Do you not think it would look bad?

Let’s debate about it

Why don’t you think it would look bad

that was unexpected

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I don’t debate about this, sorry. But I actually like you
