54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what grade are you in

Pokémon Roleplay?

10th, I’m cool boi


I’m just waiting for you to somehow go to my school

Imagine if that happened


Ive got about three people who say they are posting a CS, but haven’t.

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Is Poke liking my comments?

Am I?

You hitting on me?

maybe, don’t tell anyone


Covers his Mouth Nu

/Struggles furiously

/Bites Poke’s palm

Uses the power of a highschooler. Bites don’t work!

I think there’s one way to find out, since I doubt anyone who doesn’t go to my school could find this out by searching it up

the announcement system recently got changed because it was old, but they changed it into an even worse system

Ya, no, not the same. Is there a magnet system?
