54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


You can post Cop Madness.

i mean i didnt say it cant be used for that
it just isnt what i used





Until I noticed the onion in the background I was like wtf world am i living in


did u not hear what the dude said at the end xD

“Lucas snapped burglar’s elbows so he couldn’t reach for weapon”

“Six of burglar’s teeth found inside his own stomach”

“Lucas says he hopes more burglars break in so he can stop them with dad’s power drill”

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There’s a couple rational comments on this video and one of them is this


join my turbo immediately

i didnt hear anything

Found a ToS player irl

the dude said something about your pet being a cia plant or something wdym you didn’t hear it?

the video is silent

theres a audio manager on the bottom right of it

me: intro to culinary arts won’t be that hard

also me: struggles to microwave hot pockets without one exploding

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Haven’t heard anything from my teacher regarding the email I sent them, I’m going to have to confront them about it tomorrow

Idk about ur school district but I know my teachers in HS wouldnt read their emails much especially on weekends, I would give them by the end of Tuesday before u confront them


Yeah, same here.

The earliest I’ve gotten a response from a teacher when I send them emails on the weekends is Monday morning z

Poke posted!

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