54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How could you say that Luxy

Screenshooting this and sending it to baz

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So are you going to join my mash keep in mind the consequences of not joining it

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Remind me of the consequences

you will die instantly

That’s a very light punishment

Ok but point still stands will you join it I’m hoping to open the thread on the 16th

Can’t give a definite answer


Because I caN’t

Clear your calendar

@eevee Whilst I was on Tvtropes I read what happened to the Emperor and damn Warhammer got be hooked up :’)

You too merc you are joining my mash i put in effort and want the forums to come together for it

Elves are terrible, they inspire Terraria

I have no time
Merc is now a studygirl

Come on, you have 30mins a day you can dedicate to 1 singular forum mafia game

Which mash is it again? There were like 3 new setups posted recently

None plays on 30 min ówò

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Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia

I just discovered last week Sauron was an elf