54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Oh ok never watched the movies but depending on if it starts soon I should be able

Read the books

:man_shrugging: like I got Tolken book time lol

I am aiming for the signup thread to open on the 16th

He was a maia

That’s cutting it real close but I should be able to, at worst I can backup

Surely you can spare some time :frowning:

I mean I can

please I promise it will be fun I put twenty hours into designing the setup

What are books? Can you eat them?

Tbh I might join luxy mash to play seriously to show other people my play style when I’m serious because I haven’t been playing that serious in recent games here


Mercenary said this in the future don’t worry Luxy

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Good ole’ Midonik.

Sips tea :tea:

I agree xD

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What’s the post ID

Somewhere around 300k or something

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If cookie thread gets to 300k id be suprised

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You underestimate meme power

One day I’ll be famous and convince everyone to play here just to get it to 300k

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