54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot fortune

Are you sure? Your like a fortune teller

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

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@discobot fortune

Are you really sure?

:crystal_ball: It is certain

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@discobot fortune

Are dicks animals?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

I shall take that as a yes.

@discobot fortune

Are humans better than robots?

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

@discobot fortune

True but are they better than Witches?

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

Smart robot.

@discobot fortune

Am i gonna get good grades again?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

The end is near.

@discobot fortune

Am i gona find true love?

:crystal_ball: My reply is no

@discobot fortune

Am i gona die alone full of Despair?

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

Time to build some Monokumas.