54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just for that I’m going to make sure the program has those exact credentials

For the credentials, please contact the “MemeLord” as known on ímperium42.

@MemeLord what are your credentials

magnus bot, it appears that memelord is not present. i would like to attempt to reset credentials?

Please input the reset code.
A quote has been pulled from oblivion.


Incorrect reset code. You have three more tries before the system gets locked.

Magnus bot, please restore to the most recent stable checkpoint


Magnus bot?
please debug on that error

Error debugged successfully.

the debug information?

They put sans in smash lul

1 Like
Debug log requires credentials.

gdi magnus bot

what commands require credentials?

Magnus -credentials -u root -p password
On error
Sudo magnus make me a sandwich

Level one credentials accepted.
1 Like

I call hax

Activate Emergency Security Alarm

Math is a hacker

Magnusbot, -credentials -u root -p password
magnus, please remove mathblade’s credentials
magnus, please change the password to level one’s credentials