54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m between two ideas on my worldbuilding :cry:

:crystal: damn that’s a cool emoji

Emoji detected. Employing anti-measures.
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:pregnant_woman: Damn thats a cool emoji

Counter-measures determined. PICK YOUR POISON.
Mass Ping for every emoji.
Bombing America.
50 useless topics.

That’s a fairly easy choice

Bombing American is the most humane choice

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... Choice chosen.
Mass Pings.

I’ll like to report that there is currently two different cults, neutral killers, unseen, gamers and and mafia killing us all, please send backup

It seems the police cannot hear you. Wish for me to send a message on
your behalf?

Alright guys
Maintain elves but make a character a lich
Or remove elves as a PC race but make said character an elf


I personally think they are ignoring me because they think I’m delusional, after all I would to upon hearing that.

Threaten them to help us.

Actually magnus have you met a lady bot

Accidentally deleted that

Sending the following message:

F*ck you cops. I’m at the cookie thread. Come find me… if you dare.

What the hell?

Ha Ha.

That’s exactly why I didn’t give you permission to send any message and instead told you to threaten them


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Hello Firekitten,
We’re already here.
Do you see the friendly cultist waving right there? Yeah, that’s me.

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when in doubt

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1