54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I am become portuguese destroyer of worlds

Purchasing translator.

The problem with this is, the constitution states everyone had access to a lawyer, a person cannot be called to testify against themselves and various other problems.

Do we give them both a lawyer, and if so. If we cannot separate them, is it illegal to lock them both up for the murder if one clearly didn’t have intent on murdering someone.


This is what someone else said

This part could potentially be handled by allowing each twin to communicate with their lawyer via writing, outside of view of the other twin.

That’s not the problem. The problem is the sheer ridiculousness of having two people connected to each other while one lawyer is saying their client is guilty while the other lawyer is saying their client is innocent lmao

That’s all rp stuff

Defining; rp. Definition unfound.

Don’t you know that means rock paper. I’m assuming they forgot the s

Confirm: rp means Rock Paper.
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Aww magnus is learning

Yeah, it happened all the time when I was a kid. I always had to take care of her. And she
never appreciated it. She was always ragging at me. I never knew which of my mother’s
many faces I was going to see at any given time, and I could never +gure out what would
please her from day to day. I remember getting a D in history and being afraid to come
home. A D was good for about four hours of being told that I was a worthless, ungrateful
failure, and no man would ever want me. When I +nally got home, it turned out she was in
a good mood. She just signed my report card and said, “You’re smart; you don’t have to
worry about grades.” I couldn’t believe it. But then she had her usual four cocktails before
dinner that night. I set the table and forgot to put out the salt and pepper. When she sat
down, she exploded as if I’d caused a world war or something. I couldn’t understand how
she could stop loving me just because I forgot the salt and pepper.

Do you wish to hire a hit man on EBay?
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I read this as a rap for some reason

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FK why

But probably because it starts with yeah

I remember in 6th grade a teacher used to put on raps in social studies and it reminded me of raps

I still remember one rap

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Is social studies like sociology?

It’s basically history

So yeah, sociology

No, history. I shall not let you help others conspire against me to make big words