54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@sulit you are getting a cat in one day

how do you feel


This new forum update

Really great

Is that sarcasm


The white line annoys me

I like how it does bookmarks and pms so there’s less loading
That’s surface level tho

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Benefits are out weighed by the white line

I’m not kidding it actually bothers me a lot

I really like the update

Really wonder what’s in your lol message. :upside_down_face:

you wouldn’t want to know

My history teacher just started saying answers to the test tomorrow because we weren’t paying attention

that was awesome lmao

I was paying attention however and caught the first three and then my brain got overloaded with what he said

I remember the three by heart now tho

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muy bien


helpful hint, spoilering something then not saying it’s NSFW doesn’t actually help




I realized something today

If you try hard enough you can make anything seem evil

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Buying a Hot Cat.

weird ass jello commercial


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