54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I want to play.
Make something I want to play smh.

L o n g C h i l e

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you mean like an fm?

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what kind of fm are you looking for? a mash like owfm or something more along the lines of fol?

almost anything tbh
a game just ended, let’s see what pops up

You could’ve joined LoTRFM!

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I want to see a Maximus Mash

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MS Paint Mafia

Would that even work here

Because like 1/2 of the pictures I try and upload don’t work

Maybe if u like printscreen them it work. Idk it have to be tested first

Iirc it worked before

We made pictures in like Short Fuse or something I forget

The only downside about it would be that people can’t really do it on phones

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Unless like doodle apps were allowed


owo owo

bitch im uncreative unless you want character backstories that i always procrastinate on

i upload to discord first then copy the link :^)

easier + faster than using imgur

Make a mash and I will join it


wolfia question mark


i am super uncreative

i’ll think about it, but don’t expect one anytime soon

at least, not before the sat