54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ll allow it since there’s a need for more than one mod that can edit the cards

Oh I misread

The more things change, the more they stay the same

mods and balancers shift, FoL always finds a place to rest its head

Well, then I obviously have now the lead over FoL Balance, since noone else is 1. active in fol balancing and 2. hosting a lot of FoL.

This seems like a discussion that should possibly be happening somewhere other than the cookie thread

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well I know that

such is the world today

Privacy is a relic of the past

I don’t really care who’s doing it, but the stuff has to be done. And if I don’t see anyone else doing it, I’ll have to do it.

It’s not only a schoolyear thing, but there’s also a lack of current initiative on standardizing things.
Balance is in a relatively stable place (of course would require drastic measures to be completely balanced since lulforum)

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since your alive again

good to see you

its probs been explained to you, but lotta shit went down while you were gone


There’s some why decisions still that need to be ironed out
Like Current Alch

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Geyde, I love your PFP

that’s top tier


Well the fol balance team doesn’t even manage to write the nonwritten rules down, if they get asked to :eyes:
I agree with fol balance overall isn’t bad, but there’s a lot of fine-tuning which has to be done.

Make a Dragon NK

we need mythical creatures here people

That’s what I’m referring to by standardization
It’s busywork, and most people don’t find it interesting

It still needs to be done though

My knight/drunk/warlock rewording was working toward that goal

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or a manticore NK

Pegasus as an observer

someone should make a mythical creature FM

still, I’d like to hear what really stood out to you
hello again Blizer it’s been a while indeed

Yeah, honestly, it’s been close to a year or so since I last heard you

we’ve had some Fun and Tragic games while you have been good

also, I’ve become better