54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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The Art of War.

Not armed car robberies no.



Oh wait, is that not what the article was about? Lame


my boyyy :frowning:

Celeste is damn cute
@Geyde @maximusprime go play it or at least see the yt series with the full story

@Margaret this celeste too be cute



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play what?

I’ve already watched Celeste

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oh so that’s the actual name of the show i thought it was just the protag’s name


Ah yes, my nightmare.

I remember selling it at school during Chinese New Year and get a networth of…65.61 dollars?

Why do I keep getting notification from FoL update thread?

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Priestess And solic are having mental battle

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You can only feel their attacks

Because a former fol mod decides to misuse his powers :woman_shrugging: Xblade will deal with it.

Former? Is Solic no longer going to be a moderator?

He stepped down. I’ll let a tol moderator handle this, and if Xblade is online, he’ll remove him.

I don’t see how my powers are being misused when I want to keep an official FoL update thread listed, nor why this should be in the public sphere anyways.