54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

15% is standard for ITA’s

dont listen to me I’m dumb

Have you ever cut your foot with glass

It doesn’t hurt, it just makes you bleed pretty badly

Yes, on a beach

I mean like dropping glass and it breaking on your foot

Nope not that clumsy

I have a hard time believing this when I did it it hurt like hell

Maybe I just have a better pain tolerance, but it was also in the middle of the morning and it didn’t even wake me up fully.

I was just standing there thinking well that happened alright time to get another glass while my foot was bleeding

Is it Bastard for an ability to not appear on flip?


You can hide reveals and it not be bastard, but only revealing some of it seems more bastard than not revealing anything at all.

Unless you Say that there is ability that wasnt revealed

So yeah the plan is like reveal the title of one ability, but not the description, is that bastard?

Hmmm I guess not.

solic nani!??

Why not just make the game bastard

it probably will be to an extent, do to the nature of it and how powerful all the characters are

The second card, of twenty-nine, I finished has 4 passives is that too many?