54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

how dare you even suggest putting vanilia in a game

we will crucify you

what i meant is, that its possible, even in a crazy-style mash thats probably rolemadness, its always possible to design it in such a way that claimvigs aren’t necessary to keep town from mechanically solving

but yeah

my opinion about setups changes like every day depending on how I’m feeling

It’s possible, but I think that it allows better roles and more cool roles to be added if you had a claim vigilante.

perhaps very specific kinds of things would necessitate it, but as long as you are within reason on the scalar side of power level (i.e. with whether a given role is night/occ immune etc, not with the kinds of things themselves for the most part) you could use almost any mechanic


sure ill add him in just for you

You don’t need a claimvig to have off the wall roles. Hell, the game is better off with off the wall roles when there isn’t a claimvig

Depois dessa aqui eu vou é trabalhar que eu ganho mais https://t.co/QaeGkztOfS

Claimvig appears to be balanced
If you don’t claim, it can’t kill you

However, it more often than not will proc at least once. It’s a huge swing factor that can massively swing the balance in scum’s favor. As a host, having to put a potentially volatile role into the game as a bandaid makes it even more unstable

If it’s not a factional claimvig, it introduces the massclaim whenever it dies.

Example Card

Jotaro Kujo

JoBro, Other, Dolphin Expert

Dolphins…. WAIT Kakyoin why do you have an egg.

Star Platinum (Passive): Everytime someone makes a dolphin joke or says Ora Ora. Your ITA chance will increase by 5%. But if anyone starts talking about bad dads your ITA chance goes to 0%

Star Finger (Day): Poke target player. They will be informed they were hit by the Star Finger. (infinite uses)

STAR PLATINUM THE WORLD (Day): Stop the game for 5 seconds. Anyone who posts in those five seconds will be ORA Ora’ed right out of the game. (10 uses)

Research (Night): Learn if target player is a Dolphin. If they are you will see their whole classcard (infinite uses)

Take Care of Daughter (Night): Take care of your Daughter (0 uses)

Star Platinum Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Star Finger can now be used 3 times a day. STAR PLATINUM THE WORLD now only works for 3 seconds. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

I’m having to much fun, here’s an example class card for my upcoming mash. This is a joke card, but that’s the layout

Yare yare

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:eyes: thats how the real fans spell it lol. Not me I guess since imma fix it

They kind of work as a good equalizer if you plan on adding a lot of high-powered roles. Otherwise the wolves need something to chunk down self-resolving roles.

People don’t play games where they can roll VT here, unfortunately.

See above. You have to either add a lot of low-power roles or add a claim vig to counter them.

Which is why I’m making it a two-tier claim vig. The claim vig will harshly penalize anyone just claiming a single action of their role, but when they die there will still be a penalty to claiming as you’ll be able to claim only half of your role, so the game can’t be mech-solved just by them dying. I did something similar in a mash in MU where Eevee and I hosted. It penalized the village for mass-claiming but it was still bearable, especially when the claim vig empowered died.

i mean the whole point of what im saying is that its possible to not need a claim vig by way of design, without sacrificing having high-power

Then you kind of need to add a lot of high-power scum roles to counter them. Point is, setup balancing ends up becoming an arms race without a claim vig.

The problem I have is that claimvigs are everywhere unnecessarily
Claimvigs are a bandaid on setups that have poor design

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or you could set up scum with abilities that capitalize on having large amounts of information, without directly just killing the claimer

so like what are some self resolving rolls, Im hoping Im not adding to many in my current setup. Is there any common examples other than like FOL priest

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but that without said information, are not super powerful

I still think they’re needed otherwise a lot of investigative and self-resolving roles would end up being broken just for being able to claim without punishment.