@discobot quote 1Zsjeirhkdowhd
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. — Abraham Lincoln
If you kick a stone in anger, you’ll hurt your own foot. — Korean Proverb
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. — Demosthenes
If you look over your left shoulder and it is saying to go this and your other shoulder is telling you to go the other way. Then just follow your heart and you will be OK. —
Some people think it’s holding that makes one strong — sometimes it’s letting go. —
Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. — Buddha
Intuition is the very force or activity of the soul in its experience through whatever has been the experience of the soul itself. — Henry Reed
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. — Ralph Marston
Some people thrive on huge, dramatic change. Some people prefer the slow and steady route. Do what’s right for you. — Julie Morgenstern
People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to. — George Allen