54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah, they’re bringing back a bunch of the most well-known and impactful cards ever, to try and shake up the current extremely priest-centric meta

Unfortunately, N’Zoth comboed the best with Priest, so it got a boost, but they were smart enough not to give Priest Psychic Scream back.

Hopefully the return of Secret Paladin will be enough to shake up the meta, and the rest should be nice too.


A) Not bothering to post at all or post the minimum.
B) Basically subbing out of a game.
C) A vig who targets players who posts less than N times in a day.


$serverdisable Super Crown




suddenly everyone went feral

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because it was a furry costume party (merc be giving me shitpost ideas at 6 am lol)

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Oh god oh fuck

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caralho maluco 5k o meu harém, no character found.


Perk up buddy. Just play some games, take your mind off things. You’ll feel better with time.


Nah bro, I’m fine honestly. Thanks for the concern, my recent relationship went fine but I still have a sour taste in my mouth from the one before that one. Thanks for the concern though, really appreciated :heart:


I just realized that I have been confusing “pucker up” and “perk up” for a very long time.



Uh minor question, is it just me or does reading things on mobile no longer keep track of you actually reading them. Like I read a whole topic and at the bottom it still says you havent read the new posts. Like its extremely finicky, where sometimes it works but others it does not


this is amazing

Too much numbers very scary


why are there 20 mio vets and only 1 mio soldiers

help I just put my hand into a sink of watered down bleach.

why did u do that

Because I wanted to feel the shirt.