54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

damn it got fixed

Frisk is male
Chara is female
Niko is female


whos niko?


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That reminds me of this song!

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thats Nico Nico Nii!

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Bring some of them over when an NFoL is hosted

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I’d happily host a NFoL btw.
Preferably co-host.

Which actually reminds me aren’t we due for an NFoL @anon97870008?

Should’ve had one on during the anniversary event

I’d be down to host one if no one else wanted to.

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Idk they would find you guys aggressive

Shake em up a little for the greater good

I should be like top 2 aggro there
So that says a lot about the chill level of the place

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lol thinking we are aggressive

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I had personal reasons (since last week I have a new job, reeee)

In a PM with myself, I explained how the game works. (I might’ve forgotten something because I’m really tired.)
Do you want me to invite you, Priestess?

I’m not a reviewer, sorry.
(Basically because I’m an expert of ToL, but have no FM/Misc experience, so I can’t really help there.)

Ah, nevermind, I’ll just go to bed then. I’ll find a reviewer tomorrow.

If you want, I can take a look. Is it FM?

Misc, it’s based on a game show.