54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ah, sorry, was hoping it’d be a quick game, kinda busy rn.

No, you monster, you must join now.

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try boss mode it’s fun

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When I turn on the pc

You’d have to pay for that I think? :thinking:

It’s free


Basically you choose person who you can buff in various ways and everyone else plays against them


I’m gone, and thus, cannot join.

But JGoes is new and we’re pressuring them into joining us, so we should start with the simple mode. :upside_down_face:

Noooooooo, don’t do this to us!

Feel the guilt!

Dangit, this always works. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never works

Hja, you’re joining if it’s “boss mode”?

Yes but it’s 11 pm so I might suddenly dissapear

But I will try not to

Could we even do boss mode with 3 players…? Seems redundant.

What is vos mode

We can