54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

not me thrusts hand into the ground and cracks the earth’s curst

turn back into sans

No, I’ve become the most beautiful man ever once again and I’m not going back to being sans. I only did that for the megalovania joke, anyway.


sad times

You always were the most beautiful man

image Totally.

Cute art

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It’s not mine, unfortunately.
I’m working on something, though.

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Ici please don’t leave this thread because me

Show us laterr

When it’s finished, I will…

Magnus, your pfp is from Undertale.

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Oh wait.

Sure i’ll do it.
I’ve been thinking about it for some time, actually.

How do people get custom Titles?

Ask a mod?

If the Mod is angry on you :wink:

Oh, okay.

You’re not angry at me, right?

You wished to be a God, and I kinda was like… yeahh let’s try to make him a god :stuck_out_tongue:

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