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How hard is it on a scale of 1-10


It’s like one of my easiest classes

2 or 3

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The worst thing about it is the amount of busy work we do tbh

I think Latin is probably one of the easiest foreign languages

Idk how you can handle someone literally teaching you in a LANGUAGE YOU DON’T KNOW

Arete, age 11: ‘yeah so I’m going to do extensive research on local political issues, would you like to hear all about the mayoral election?’
Arete, age 13: ‘let’s study a year of Latin over the summer so we can be caught up with our grade’
Arete, age 19: ‘remembering to go to the dining hall before it closes at 8:30 is too hard’


She used both English in Spanish smh

If she constantly spoke Spanish it’d be hard

I’m not sure how I got worse at being a person but it happened

nearly all foreign language teachers I seen speak in their language a lot of the time when teaching

and it’s always bothered me

I don’t think you got worse I think you got less naive

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I mean, at this point I can understand or take a guess at what she’s saying because I’ve been taking the class but to someone who doesn’t know how to speak Spanish at all it’d be super hard


happened with me as well sit back and relax

That’s just adulthood dont worry

Objectively speaking, remembering to, you know, eat meals shouldn’t be difficult

and yet


Tell that to a guy who doesn’t actually feel hungry when he needs to eat

Latin was a breeze. In hs when i took it, our teach would give us the prompt the day before class. We were supposed to translate the day of class and answer questions based on what we read. What me and my friends did was translate it the day before when we had our dictionaries in front of us and just engrave the story to memory

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Anyone wants to play bgo

I’d be interested