54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m taking the 3rd cookie!

Image result for a shit ton of guns

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Is this my weapon cache?
*taking AK-47

You would be shooted in Texas for that, partner.

Oh no. Anarchy has transferred here?


Is there communism involved at here?


yes no…

I like cookie


I like cookie moar

1 Like

No you are all wrong!

I like cookies more

nuh me

I am totally not getting a cookie.

Found a cool thing with new discourse updates:
I posted this on May 31, 2018 4:23 PM
(Find this in Options > Insert Date)

Essentially, it converts it into whatever time it is in your local timezone.

Yeah, that was implemented, like, 5 days ago. You just noticed?

May 31, 2018 4:27 PM

Okay good it can be sized up
well that makes pointing out what EoD is without having to explain how timezones work
also that happened about two weeks ago

1 Like

Xblade only updated the forum yesterday lol

i actually used this in the endgame of Hydra

But yeah the actual update was like, months ago