54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Alright, I’m taking your name. I’m Lightsin now.

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@mathblade https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/
Place to ask what is some meme you don’t know about
it is mostly for reddit culture you don’t know about but people will likely answer you if you ask about a meme

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Hi andrew

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that’s what i thought at first but what if he’s andy or anders

Andy is short for andrew

it can be

doesn’t have to be lmfao


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I have a shiny mewtwo on that game! I soft resetted for it. One second.



If any of you guys play Let’s go Pikachu I can give you some version exclusives of Eevee.
Friend code is SW-2433-1546-1617



Which king is the bets king?

Converting pdfs to html sheets with editable fields is a lot of pain, suffering and
&#xD; <layout left="129" top="1355" width="179" height="40" compilerOrder="155"> <edit transparent="true" fontSize="23.8" fontColor="#000000" vertTextAlign="center" left="0" top="0" width="179" height="41" field="untitled82" compilerOrder="156"/> </layout>

He’s actually the guy in Toy Story. You’ll never know.

Converting pdfs into html
What kind of life are you on

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Making online RPG sheets for a sheet with an awful lot of checkboxes

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I would post another interest check, but then I’d feel bad about not following up on the idea possibly again. :smile: We should have a SFoL where whispers exist. Scum would need a lot of tools extra to deal with that however though. At least some form of spying on those whispers would definitely need to exist. Would be a cool new dimension to explore. :thinking:


How would you set up whispers?

Just PMs during the day that add the host and forcibly be kicked from them when night happens. New PMs for each day. Gives the opportunity for scum to be invited in at night. :smiling_imp:

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