54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Reeee Arete speaking chinese. What’s TK

town killing

Interesting approach. And completely new to me.

We probably could do a SFoL which is almost completely mechanical based, and has almost no social component. That would be still pretty fol-like.

The basics of ToL are:

  1. you have BD, NK, cultseen, neuts
  2. you have a Prince and a King
  3. you have powerful mechanics

I don’t even see lynchs as essential.

It could happen, but I wouldn’t call it FM.

Then it is not a FM either

Well, I never called FoL a FM :woman_shrugging:

But it is a forum mafia, as long as tol exists with a lynch I highly doubt you will convince people that it’s a good idea

We often have No-Lynches in ToL, sometimes even full games without lynches, even when it’s rare.

You could probably make a misc game with all the roles in tol though

That doesn’t matter, the point is it exists.

FoL is just ToL with a different proportion of social/mechanical. :thinking:
ToL is maybe 80/20 mechanical, while FoL is 20/80 mechanical.

Lynching is a mechanic.

Then… why is lynching essential?

Because certain mechanics in tol is essential

It’s literally a social deduction game

No Lynchs essentially makes king useless also lmao

Scorned gone

Like I said, we literally played already ToL without lynches a few times, and it was pretty scumsided, but other than that… it felt completely like ToL.

Do a favor for me and remove lynches for a month then check the TOL player count