54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s in Dutch for me.

Probably done by embedding or something similar.

Or magic.

Or steam’s IP autolocation thingy
English for me.

NK and MM can only be killed by Prince and maybe Hunter. If the Prince dies and nobody lynches, then the game is pretty much over.

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NK/Unseen have multiple ways to kill each other tho

Lynches are entirely attached to the setup’s design
King is the most prominent example of this

Conversion is set up in a way that you can outpace it by lynching perfectly every time

King has strong nightabilities tho?
And if you always lynch the converts and not the MM, you’ll lose a lot of people on this way.

Not really tbh
They are part of it, but it doesn’t really make king king

The most memorable part of king is their day abilities and how they impact the game amplified by their random alignment

That’s true. Kill the MM, not the Converts.


Uhm… well… not in FoL/ToL, at least.


DF is iconic

FoL, not really
FoL doesn’t really capitalize on advantages of mechanically unconfirmable player since it has limited feedback already


I know you are wrong on the tol part lmao

Wait… do you want to say that Point Finger and Decide Fate is strong, under the current meta of “making the king use finger each day on beginning, so they cannot decide fate on the prince”?

It is. Double vote is always strong lmao

Like the game is literally based on MEDIEVAL TIMES POLTICS AS WELL


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I’m not really arguing strength

Although…why is finger a thing

Like priestess guaratee you player base goes rapidly down if you remove lynch and even then balanced the game around no lynch

I would bet thousands of my life savings if I had any lmao

This got relateable fast

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