54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Are we talking about the Latin-themed Forum game thing or was that not you?


it was me

but we aren’t talking about that

Oh, okay.

Then I have no idea what this is about.


It’s not done yet, and I’m probably going to change stuff around especially the middle part since I was just working on that when I ran out of time for that class period, I’m thinking of making it like a joke about the suspicious guy asking questions and a good town answering them about the club. I’m trying to figure out how to make it look more like an actual forum, maybe I can think about doing a layout similar to here where the forum mafia club is in the corner instead of on the top there

Proabbly going to change fonts to

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Also I just took a screenshot the white isn’t the actual border

The grey is the border

I’m making a club at my school about forum mafia

and I will do my hardest to convince at least 20 people to join it lmao

Yeah probably going to make the forum mafia club thing smaller and putting it in a corner instead, to give me more room and make it more realistic

Well, good luck on that.

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I’ve had that before. Pretty sure it means too many people are online rn and the server(s) is/are having problems with it.

Oh, so too many people will cause crashes?



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[illuminati song]

Forums are alive again.

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Yay, finally :smiley:

For the record, forum was completely down for 14 hours, but it malfunctioned already for circa 20 hours or a bit more, so I’d suggest you’re adding just a full day to the ongoing games.

Uhhh just some random thoughts about scumreading.
It’s a game. If you’re right or wrong, it basically doesn’t matter. The only thing which matters is that everyone has fun. Scumreading isn’t way better than random voting. So relying on scumreading over mechanics is maybe the way a lot of people think how these games should be played, it isn’t effective tho. Imho best is when mechanic stuff is getting supported by reads. Is this against the spirit of FM? Probably. But “it’s a game - it’s not bad if you’re wrong” is already kinda against the spirit of the game, I guess. And I think, in “spirit of the game” is one thing important: the word game. A lot of us aren’t playing these games competetive, but to have fun together - if you play noncompetitive, even losing can be a lot of fun. Playing with a lot of players with different playstyles, with different skills, is fun. Challenging other players is fun. Trying to manipulate them emotionally so they feel miserable IRL isn’t.
(Yeah this comes from playing too many matches turbo fm in the discord)

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It isn’t better then random voting when you are bad at making reads. Bad reads are worse then RNG. Not a lot of people are good at scumreading here which is why it doesn’t seem good, but on different sites you can see people actually being good at reading players.

Yeah but your first statement was right it doesn’t really matter if you are right or wrong

the later you went on posting the more wrong it seems though.