54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

has meta changed since last time

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cough successful protections

I remembered that used to work

Point is is that info is supplement to night actions
It’s literally giving a player more ability to make an impact out of just their vote

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I guess you didn’t play in the last year? Being active is towny. Pushing for claims is towny.

stats of protective abilities working in tol and FoL

I kinda don’t remember any succesful protection in fol, but that could be bias.

why are you trying to use tol to make points about fol

is it just me noticing a trend here or am i stoned

I think it’s because scum kill obvious town in tol and town protectsobvious town in tol

Wagons on scum don’t go fast
Wagons on town go fast

Because FoL is rolemadness, with mechanics similiarly to ToL, so you try to balance it with both ToL and FM knowledge

Only D5 onwards.

I really am out of my time


I sometimes did ok



the only similarity tol has with fol is the classes and king mechanic

everything else is very different to the point where is it even tol anymore?

It’s still really close to ToL since conversion is major fundamental mechanic

FoL is ToL just without feedback and whispers + its longer

and also shorter at the same time

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plus there is priest

id argue fol is more of its own thing (see Archer and other unofficial classes)

so saying “FoL is tol just without feedback/whispers” is a gross oversimplification

FoL is just ToL but FoL