54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was told to always take the number of scum multiply it by 3 and add 1

Candlelight is all designed mechanics wise, just need to work on roles

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9 or 10 depending on power

@Alice :heart:


That’s to allow for 2 mislynches iirc

Alice is doing it
Shes gonna make everyone into a class

I still remember ici as (died of the plague)

Also help, what color do I put in brackets to get the standard BD color?

Hey I remember someone did that as an FM once, I think Pug or Mole hosted it
They forgot to make me ;~;

what is Alice doing

would 15 work for high scum kp

You’re gonna be a GI class Kitten

I don’t consent

help I’m being cyber bullied

why isn’t there a delayed album joke

I missed community mafia that we used to host every Christmas.

To help your cause, Kai

its s-something blue


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Fuck, I forgot



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