54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Whomst pingeth?

oh romeo oh romeo

I’ll have you know that my post was at least 20% effort

but yeah
Deleting it was probably a good idea

Kai, I need to sleep :^)
I know I usually sleep later, but I’m really tired and I got my flu shot, so…

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then skeep

It was a great idea because I did it :wink:

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no u boomer

ok doomer

I want the next Grand Idea to have the Boomer faction in the game it’ll be hilarious

B-But Bob Ross

Ah Geyde no

You skipped a number

I fixed

Just gonna keep fighting this war

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I meant how there are two Memeskies

Memesky is forever

Yeah I’ll just put a question mark after the name of mine because clearly yours is the one true Memesky


Now I have an idea for an NK that’s someone here that NO ONE will guess OR steal