54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Desperado = town-aligned, can target another player, if the other player is town the Desperado dies and the player is peeked as town, otherwise the player dies

PGO = Paranoid Gun Owner, kills players visiting them (in Alice’s case it was players attacking her

It’s a dreaming god

They are given a list of one shot abilities without a description, only a name.

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Can kill everyone N1

but is it kings abilities with new names?

They have normal king abilities

well im just checkin

ah you see, i dont make much progession as either alignment.
its a foolproof plan, honestly

example, i know im terrible at making reads but i still have fun so im cool not getting better at that part of the game.

especially when you can do like super loopy inferences based on mechanics, to get info in a way that it doesnt seem like you should. its fun :smiley:

you cant stop me! chugs 5 bicycles

the Resistance misc game was canned


Just looked at queue and holy shit theres a 37 man game queued. That’s gonna be bonkers to play in

Not as insane as MU mashes, tbh.

Set has decided to make his own setup after having played mine lol

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Im sad no one from MU has come here to play your game

I have roughly 3 very solid players who told me that are planning on making an account to join that match when November hits. One of them actually was a contender for the Best Village player on MU award last year as well.


ooh so that brings setup to 35 right?

Think so unless they can’t join due to IRL or something like that.

I can see if some irl friends want to try fm out, but idk i have asked before and got no replies

Evil kang flashbacks


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She has found into Nirwana already! Her soul is saved.