54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



I see



Kyo is a sorcerer and a crook he should not be trusted with the my little pony rainbow friendship

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Hi solic how are you

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Psychopathic King flashbacks

The only reason I didn’t remove Psycho King’s unofficial class status lul.

I’m very sad that I didn’t do the work that I should today, so I’m going to fly away again, cya.


Oof, good luck

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Pardon me while I make a class that can only post in rainbows

Oof, I just tried to make a message with an equal amount of characters so I wouldn’t have to put in effort, I didn’t know there was a site for it.

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The Jeffree Star Sister Showdown! would not be as pretty without that site.

OwO, whats that?

Youll see :)

Signup to my turbo Jgoes

Anticipation intensifies

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I can’t, it starts while I’m asleep.

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I vastly preffer this rainbow tbh
it is better for dark backgrounds


Suck my toes nerds