54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Here, have a balloon.
:balloon: :balloon:
Have some more.

drops all of the balloons

Simey, remember the fun times we had together as Light Theme buddies?

Simon he has escaped his torture chamber!

Orders to get him back in?

1 Like

gun is back in place

Kitten, on the poll, you said Dark Theme.

Join the icecream server!

Who’s side are you on?!


Join us for icecream tho!

Who cares about Light Theme VS Dark Theme?
We first deceive them and then we strike while the iron is hot.

1 Like

You little bastard. How could you try this?



What is “OS Porn”?

Its a beautiful website for all my course notes. Its so compact I can call it a savior. Hence the word, porn.

Unpopular opinion: best theme is the discord theme, with the orange bar

You’re trying to hide your words in an attempt to split us light themers and have us join you.
Very foolish, Marl. We’ll not fall for your trick~

Have you got your Nino yet?

I got it, lul.

I got Legault, not Nino.

I can +10 my Nino soon enough however.

On the poll, it said you’re on the Dark Side.

I must’ve misclicked then.
Want me to be nice and take another light screenshot?