54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Thank you!

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I’m putting way too much effort into these classes.

@Vulgard mind if a steal a couple for infection?

Not really. Would be nice to be credited though :rofl: I did credit Alice after all when I added the Arbiter.
I’m going to add a couple more BD I came up with when I get home.

I have credits to alice and bluestorm in infection class cards already :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean, a little bit self-irony can’t be wrong…

So I got 2 class ideas that would spawn in a pair.
I have no idea how balanced they are, or if they would even be fun to play.
Making a topic doesn’t feel like the proper move for what’s essentially a quick sketch.
Should I just drop em here for review?

A “hey, I have a strange idea, tell me in every detail why it is a bad idea” sounds good…

Hey, I have a strange idea, tell me in every detail why it is a bad idea.

Class 1

The Alpha :shield:
Neutral Investigative

In Pursuit of Knowledge: If you successfully used EUREKA! at the start of each night you will be able to pick 2 players. They will receive incorrect investigative feedback tonight. Cannot target the same players twice in a row.
Irrational Curiosity: You are death immune once. Additionally your abilities cannot be tampered with.

Check Readings (inf use): Guess target players class. You will be told if you successfully guessed their class or if they have the same class type as your guess.
EUREKA! (1 use): Kill your target bypassing any form of protection if they are Omega.

Win condition: Successfully use EUREKA! or survive.

Class 2

The Omega :shield:
Neutral Killer

Ruined Civilization: You are death immune. You are also bleed immune. You will know if someone attempted to bleed you.
Whispers of Actions Past: You will know whom Alpha is targetting with their abilities.

Decadence (inf use): Attack target player. If they are Alpha, you will go on a frenzy.

Win condition: Survive to see Alpha die.

Obviously they spawn together.

Oh dear me, how could I forget.




what the

Why do you have colors :eyes:

something something the only active game I’m in I’m already dead on it so it is a dead chat notification :eyes:

tower of god’s most recent arc be like

you can literally just use this every night instead of using check readings

this fucks with the game way too much tbh

Ez fix
While you are ded instead of alive

Wahaha! >:)

wait this is an INQUIS STYLE COMBO bruh

to quote someone (idk prob marg but i forgot) “No class should have a hardcounter” :^)

so the alpha should just target somoene in the last hour of the night so the omega doesn’t know or switch in the last hour

so… i assume they’re the 1 nk slot that spawns because if 2 nks spawn then that’s too much kp
but if they’re the actual nk then they dont actually have a nk wincon? wut

isn’t whispers of action past technically an investigative ability?

1 use.

Wanted to give BD a reason to remove them.

Sooner or later, Omega will still have -1 to the PoE.

Passive != ability.