54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It isn’t.
My profile is.

I swear I have memory loss
I’ve apparently also had a suspension on this site.

no one cares about the rules

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are u allowed to discuss why?

Glances menacingly in moderator status



Apparently I also participated in SFoL12
I don’t remember any of this.

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Want to play roblox?

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ignore all the missles pointed at you they are all duds

Just claim Butler 4head

Whattttt. You disguised yourself as a newbie, but all along you’re like our ancestor.

My mind is blown

Whats your name

I known about this what are you talking about

I mostly remember him playing in a popcorn game that I read

Firekitten’s and my mind are synced. You’ve heard it here first.


I don’t remember a popcorn game.
I remember Minority Rule.

I got to like 2nd with Methnor or something.

Well you played popcorn here

but yeah let’s be brutally honest

no one cares enough about the rules as long as you don’t do anything really bad