54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Basically it’s an abusable feature and we need to figure out how to get a high level

You will never get a high level

I spam zalgo bomb and you spam flag it


If I flag enough correct posts yes I will

That’s a genius idea!


Don’t make me change your pfps

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Become a mod. Ez.

Here’s my Resume:
I made Peasant
Uhh I’m usually very nice
I was outed scum twice but never got lynched or killed and open wolfed to victory
I’m DatBird


This vid reminds me of @Arete pfp

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Who do I contact if I want to host Return of the Blue Dragon IV?


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I want to run a mechanics only FOL turbo where the only thing you are allowed to talk about is your own class and what you did last night and voting

Well yeah, contacting me works (I’m not a reviewer in normal, but for fol related stuff I can do it)

Thank you



I’d like to host it the same way it was in RotBD III

U know why

prove that FOL relies on more than mechanics

Also scum are allowed to fake claim any class but they must pick one and stay with it

@Geyde @eevee

Figure before i host a custom game it would be best to get experience running a previously existing but dormant setup

that’s already proven what