54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We’re created just to die!

Mortal sin’s the reason why

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You can’t stop what has already begun

Might as well have so much fun!

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Oh god oh fuck that took a twist there’s Wingdings oh no

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That kept me entertained for 7 minutes thx

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Read the comments there’s more that you probably missed on a first glance

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I’m not seeing anything mind blowing in the comments

Anything I do is no sin!!!

So let the chaos begin!

Freedom denies the right to chooooose

In this game everyone will lose!

I just freaked out because I saw my phone charging and it wasn’t plugged in by then I remembered I have one of those battery cases on

theres a GHOST charging my PHONE wtf


poor sulit

:ghost:: Why are you mad at me? I’m just trying to be helpful, dude…

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>not memey

If it immediately bores me it’s in the trash box

just like world history

Their memes suck though it’s not dank enough

I see you haven’t come into contact with Mantichora then


I played a light game which I got mislynched D1

And then I played a mash which I
Let’s not talk about that

BUT the one game I did enjoy was a game only people from my community played