54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I would have more time for games if I talked less with people online and used this time to play games
So expect me to be more inactive here

Building your whole base inside the cave is a interesting move :thinking:

L5R game ended up way larger and giving more work than I predicted

Can we just talk about how Margaret’s most liked post is on my birthday


I believe this is not a coincidence.





You were the one running a game for a bunch of newbies, right? How did that end up going?

Reaper was with then and was GOAT since he played like 2 games here

I read it as hicibaaluus

no that’s the name of the symbiont that shares my nutrients
get it right smh

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who reviews games?
kitten, geyde and who more?

Huh. I thought it was is uh bull iss

Refers to hosting guide

Eevee I believe.

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Ah shit I’ve been thinking it wrong for 3 years

How do you guys pronounce MY name? It’s very challenging, yes, but I have faith in most of you.

Ner - bins

S - olic
So - lic
Sol - ic
Soli - c

I thought it was that one and also the right one I think

I always pronounced it Sol-lick in my head

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I pronounce it sol-ic.

I’m assuming that’s actually correct since it’s bolded.

That’s kind of how I’d pronounce it too, I just never pronounce it though.