54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

can you change my title please


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I messaged her about it already.

Did you?

Who’s her?


I’m blind. Or you are.

Hold on then, here’s my logic.

You’re her.

He’s them.

Magnus, oh great God of the forums
Can you tell me why I’m so confused
(And also I’m fascinated how you call Arete still a “he” even when I added their pronoums in their title, lul)

AHHHH I’m blind


I always saw Arete as a ‘her’

You wrote me over Discord
Have you any idea with how many people I wrote in the last 48 hours
I’m still not even done processing it all

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(He’s them.)
(You’re her)

But obviously mine is the most important, and therefore the most meriting of immediately being processed :upside_down_face:


I could never really tell, so stuck with they for the mostpart(which ended up being right)

They’re them

You’re just a platypus. You do not understand.
