54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Your pfp ):

Give us an ITA mash I want to play another one

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I want to do things but I need sleep

If the things are not urgent on a scale of hours you should sleep

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Things are reading samurai rpg and organizing the house :’)

Those both sound like things that are not urgent on a scale of hours

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Seems pretty urgent to me

Question: what if you are nightimmune, and get lynched at night?

inconsistency that would probably result in differing opinions


lynch immunity and death immunity are different things

Technically yes
Also technically no

My solution to this is always, if you want clarity, define your keywords.
Something like that:
Deathimmune = You cannot be killed at night (except by Strongman attacks and bleeding). You can still be killed normally at daytime by a Lynch or ITA.

And when you can’t define it
You need free will to find it
It’s all about what you see
Extend your reach and grab it
God, you almost had it
This all is the price that you’ll pay

No thats night immune

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I’m going with ToL keywords since I don’t know anything about FM keywords, lul.
Where are they defined?

Here’s a better wording

Night Immune - Immune to death at night

Bulletproof - Immune to all forms of death except lynches

Lynchproof - Immune to lynches

Deathproof - Cannot die outside of strongman kills

But isn’t deathproof = nightimmune

I know
That wording is inconsistent


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Here’s a little question.

Anyone interested in a PvP edition of Fire Emblem in forums? Reply here!