54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Mum cooks everything

I put the cans of chili in the microwave and eat it for lunch :sunglasses:

I almost set fire to my house while cooking ama

As I live at home, and my mom is phenomenal in the kitchen, I can help her, but I couldnt prep a meal for six peope like she can. I can make the basics

Did your parents call you a boomer afterwards?

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what were u cooking? and did the fire alarms go off


I just get fast food or microwave leftovers.

my parent’s dont really… cook. My mom will make something occasionally and then that will be leftovers for the week.

usually is schlotzckys or mcdonalds



egg :unamused:

Well, I was making omelettes

whats that?

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Guys remember to recycle your plastics and not leave them in landfill for 1000 years

sandwich place in austin(idk if it’s anywhere else) but the food there is godly

Imagine having a schoolwide ‘earth week’ but still seeing trash all over the place every single day

yeehaw cowboy horse neighs welcome to auwstin, texaas

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Ooh speaking of like local Brands, man I love me some Wawa and Heritages but they are only in like NJ/PA and like one in FL

Rudy’s BBQ and grill is the best local food place ever.

Oh boy

And Ritas water Ice, that shit is mad good especially the swedish fish flavor