54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it’s so flipping weird to think of people having America restaurants

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You have australian restaurants?

Change pfp or you are not allowed in the cool club

I don’t think so

Do we? Let me check

Oh apparently we do

: (

Should go to one aussie food is good

I regret reading this thread btw

Just don’t look up anything hjasik or Mercenary say

Too late

Well thats unlucky. I am not looking it up

This is another reason when I get mafia club rolling I can’t show them this forum

whats that?

I have been trying to get forum mafia club at my school

convincing teachers is hard tho

do you have people who would actually like to join it

Also just don’t let them read this thread

There’s a coupe I think would like it

Can’t show them this forum at all it’s cursed

Forum is fine, hjasik is not

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hjaisk contaminated the forum

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