54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hmm makes more sense


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I never done that what happens


hmmmm wait it is not an endothermic process since those things are mostly sugar
I’m dumb lemme search what happens actually

Apparently mentol tricks your brain into thinking there is something cold into your mouth
when you drink water but still keeps the candy in your mouth it should enhance the area of contact so you feel like it gets way colder
but if it is not in your mouth anymore and you still drink water it will wash the mentol away
I think.

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It’s not that bad right

people do it on purpose actually

I may have fucked up in Buying a Detroit Lions Jersey, and I’m trying to cancel the order

if I can, I’m getting it from a much better source and cheaper

mint doesnt actually make your mouth colder. it just makes it feel colder than it is.
its the reverse of spicy
so if spicy is caused by capsaicin mint is mostly cause by menthol.
capsaicin makes your body think that your mouth is a good bit hotter than it really is, which at normal temperature means your body thinks its dangerously hot, which triggers a pain response, to cease this activity and cool down your mouth
mint is the reverse, making your body think your mouth is a good bit colder than it is.

sorta yeah.

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What is that?

Some weird British scotch egg loaf thing.

looks yummy right?


Found it:


I’d un-ironically eat that

I would too.

It’s getting close to 25000

wonder whos going to take it

You do realise it’s at 26969 and not at 25000, right?